經貿商機2017-02-15 2017-02-15 hkfc_admin 2017-06-22 新田購物城(The Boxes)招商簡介會 2017-05-17 [KOTRA Invitation] 全羅南道光州廣域市商貿配對活動 (12 July in 韓國光州廣域市) 2017-04-26 [Trade and Investment Queensland Hong Kong] Business Matching Event at HOFEX 2017-04-18 [KOTRA Invitation] 2017 Korea Ulsan Export Online Business Meeting (25-28 Apr) in Hong Kong 2017-04-11 湖南優質農產品入港對接洽談會 2017-03-16 [HKTDC Invitation] Hong Kong Food & Wine Mission to Sicily and Apulia, Italy (24 June-2 July 2017) 2017-03-08 [Mexican Beef Association] Mexican Beef Hong Kong 13 March 2017 2017-03-07 [KOTRA Invitation] Seoul Food 2017 (16-19 May 2017) in Seoul 2017-02-15 Information Sharing for HKFC members: Contact Information on Granadilla Supplier from Peru 2017-01-19 Information Sharing for HKFC members: Investments opportunities in the Hazelnut food industry 上一步 1 2 3 4 5